Weight Loss

If you are like me you are always looking for ways to lose weight that works.
You want to be able to eat the foods you want and also lose weight.
You have tried fad diets and have had no luck.
Where to now??
Here at this blog I will be gathering information about weight losst and placing content that will discuss how you can lose weight.
Each person is different. This is what makes us special so it would also follow that different diets suit different people. Take a look around I am sure you will also find something useful

Friday, November 20, 2009

Read more about coffee here:

Love this post
The Coffee Bump: Coffee Diet Tips

Diets for your dog Too

Have you ever wondered what is in the food that your dogs eat?? Here is a link to check out 245 Home made dog food recipes

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Flat Stomach Rule: Obey?" - I say: Flat belly rule? DISOBEY! - THE Real Secret to FAST Weight Loss.

"Flat Stomach Rule: Obey?" - I say: Flat belly rule? DISOBEY! - THE Real Secret to FAST Weight Loss.

Author: Ray Shank

I don't know about you, but I'm getting sick of seeing these silly little "obey" ads everywhere. One says "obeying this rule." Another says "obeying this one rule." Still another says "obeying this one old rule." Jeese, it's the same thing! Sometimes they take off the "ing" and it's "obey bla bla bla!"

What's really bad, is you go to a web page and you may find half a dozen "obey" ads on the same frackin page. Give us a break. What can we do to squelch this silly ad spam? Well I guess as long as people keep clicking on them and buying their crap then they will continue plague us with their ad sores.

I remember when I needed to lose weight sometime back. Here's my story...

I had a real problem. I needed to lose some weight, and I needed to lose it fast.

As often I do, I tend to procrastinate. I got the info about the class reunion in plenty of time, but as usual, I waited.

Then something caught my eye and I realized if I did not want to be a whale at the reunion I really needed to do something. And I needed to do it fast. Problem was, I had no idea what to do or where to go.

My first thought was: Join a fitness center. But my brain remembered a saying that went like this: "exercising a fat body will only result in a strong fat body."

I knew that there were professional weight-loss programs like Jenny Craig and NutriSystem along with different diets like Atkins that have great results, but they do it over time. To me… A long time. A really LONG time!

I thought about trying diet pills, but didn't want that edgy caffeine feeling. So I started looking on the Internet. Everywhere I went I kept seeing this same OLD ad. "#1 Rule, Obey." I looked at the ad and quickly saw that it was pretty much a scam. "Obey this one rule" and your life would be totally different. Well, what I say after researching it is totally "BULL CRAP!"

After searching beyond the stupid "Just Obey this 1 Rule" crap was some real information that could get my weight down quickly.

In fact! I found a couple of e-books that I bought, and downloaded instantly, that changed my life forever. And by following their instructions, I was able to get my weight down considerably in time for my reunion. And I'm stronger too.

Now when I see those STUPID crap Ads that say something like: "#1 rule for a perfect body." or "1 rule bla bla bla" or "obey" - I simply point my finger at it and say: "DISOBEY!"

Can you really lose weight quickly and keep it off too? You BET! In this article, I show how I was able to get my weight off quickly in time for my reunion. And... This will work if you are male or female. Check it out at: http://losesomeweight.info/?tid=aa1

Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_770773_23.html

About the Author:

Food Lovers Diet - What's So Funny?

Food Lovers Diet - What's So Funny?

Author: Geoffrey

A friend of mine recommended the Food Lovers Diet to help me lose weight. I wanted to do some research and when I did, I just had to laugh. Every diet on the planet claims to be a Food Lovers Diet!

The one thing they have in common is that they all say you can eat your favorite foods and still lose weight. Now that sounds pretty attractive. We've all been on diets where you eat mini portions of tasteless food. You expect great results but when you get on the scale, you're amazed to see that you hardly lost anything!

As I was doing this research, I came across something that was really unique. It was called Calorie Shifting. They also said that you can lose weight while eating the foods you love. They went into a lot of detail about how this works, and they promise you will lose weight very quickly!

What could be better than that? Eat all your favorite foods and watch the weight pour off. Where do we sign? I'm sure you're thinking the same thing I was. This can't be real. It's way too good to be true.

I think you'll find that the more you read, the more sense it makes in a weird kind of way. You can eat the foods you love, but you eat them at different times of the day. This confuses your body into accelerating your metabolism. When your metabolism speeds up, you lose weight!

Out of all the weight loss programs that claimed to be a Food Lovers Diet, this Calorie Shifting seemed like the one most worth looking into. Check it out and discover the details for yourself.

There are several different weight loss programs that call themselves The Food Lovers Diet. They all have one thing in common. To discover the details, just click here: The Food Lovers Diet or visit dietplansecrets.blogspot.com/2009/03/how-many-calories-are-in-certain-foods_23.html

Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1226083_23.html

About the Author: Calorie shifting is different from any other diet plan you have seen. To discover the facts about this controversial diet plan, just visit dietplansecrets.blogspot.com


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sign Up for your free ebook

You can get yourself a Free ebook here that has info on how to lose weight while eating lots of food

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Fad Diets - Weight Loss Dream Or Dieting Nightmare?

An Article By Julie Barros http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Julie_Barros

Ever wonder what the latest fad diets are all about? Check out these reviews on some new diet trends to find which ones could be your dream weight loss plan or a nightmare you should avoid.

Fad diets come and go with a new wave each year. With each new year comes new methods to lose weight fast. These trends vary from low carbohydrate methods, calorie shifting and even fasting for quick weight loss. The question is rather these diet trends are a weight loss dream or a dieting nightmare.

There is a reason some weight loss programs, like Weight Watchers, have been around for years and have outlasted the latest fads. These types of programs aim at changing your habits and teach you lifestyle changes. So not only do you lose weight but you keep it off. It is true that these methods generally result in a slower weight loss and many people are looking for a quick way to lose weight. So they turn to the latest craze and jump in with blindfolds to find the quickest way to shed unwanted pounds. Before you jump in, read these reviews to make sure you understand rather you will sink or swim with these latest trends to losing weight fast.

The Morning Banana Diet

This fad diet has people going "bananas" over bananas. With this plan you simply eat as many bananas in the morning as you want with warm water. Why warm water? Well this is a mystery as the plan never really explains the benefit of drinking warm water; it just simply states this is required. The secret behind the bananas is better explained. The reason for bananas is that they are a healthy fruit (no question there) and they tend to make you feel fuller for longer.

Other rules for this program includes eating anything (that's right - anything!) you want for your other meals. This means you could pig out on a large sized pepperoni pizza for lunch and a Big Mac and large fries for dinner. Doesn't sound exactly like a healthy plan. The last rule is you must eat dinner by 8:00 pm and nothing after this.

My prediction for this fad diet is it won't last into the next year. Sounds a lot like the old trendy Grapefruit Diet - and how many people are still going fruity over that old plan.

The Skinny Vegan Diet

As the name suggests this fad diet is a vegan program (so no meats or animal products). This plan claims to be able to give you a skinny model like body. The main basis behind their program is to cleanse the body. This cleansing process is to clear the body of toxins to get it prepared to receive healthier foods. This concept sounds good in theory but basically this plan has very little food selections and lacks many valuable nutrients your body needs. My guess is most people would not be able to keep up with this for too long before going out of their mind or starving. Chock this one up to another dieting nightmare.

The Biggest Loser Diet

As far as fad diets go, this one has some real merit and solid ideas behind it. Let's face it; the contestants of the popular show have seen results many of us dream of. The focus of this newest trend in losing weight fast is their 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 concept. This means you would consume 4 servings of fruits and veggies, 3 lean proteins, 2 servings of whole grains and 1 serving of "extras" for each day.

Your total calories for the day are calculated by taking your current weight times seven. For the show, they use a factor of times 6 for a quicker weight loss. Once you know your total calorie intake you would apply these across your servings of fruits, veggies, etc.

Another great feature of this plan is their emphasis on exercise. This is not diet plan for those who refuse to get active. The plan includes both aerobics and strength training workouts. In short, this is no passing fad diet but has solid methods for teaching lifestyle changes for permanent weight loss. This gets a vote towards weight loss dream.

Julie Barros is the author and creator of Exercise 4 Weight Loss where you can find more [http://www.exercise4weightloss.com/weight-loss-reviews.html]weight loss reviews on new fad diets. Plus lots of exercise and weight loss tips, tools, freebies and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Julie_Barros http://EzineArticles.com/?Fad-Diets---Weight-Loss-Dream-Or-Dieting-Nightmare?&id=2033336

Best Foods for FAT Loss

A lot of weight loss programs teach you to keep a food log. Not many tell you what to do with that food log.

What if you calculated the average weight loss on every day that you ate a particular food? Would that be useful?

After collecting enough food logs, we could compare foods and find the best foods for fastest weight loss! Here is what we found...

Tilapia (a kind of fish)

I lost an average of 1.4 pounds each day I ate Tilapia fish. I would never have guessed that if I hadn't kept a food log and calculated the weight loss for each food.


I lost an average of 0.9 pounds each day I ate broccoli. This is a food that is recommended by many nutritionists. Who knew it was that powerful?

Here is a surprise... Coconut Meat

I lost an average of 1.33 pounds every day that I ate coconut meat. I LOVE coconut meat, but had always thought it would pack on the pounds. It is high in saturated fat and is sweet. This discovery alone makes keeping a food log worthwhile to me. And the biggest surprise... and the number one winner...

Coconut Oil

I lost a whopping 1.53 pounds on average every day that I ate something cooked in coconut oil. I also sometimes added a couple tablespoons of coconut oil to the blender when making a smoothy. This was a huge find.

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fat and I expected it to be a weight gainer. It turned out to be a huge weight loser!

Do you keep a food log? Put it into a spreadsheet and calculate your weight loss foods. Even better... get one of the software packages designed for food log reporting.

You might find some great weight losers that you really enjoy eating (like I did). Maybe you'll even find out that chocolate cake and ice cream are great weight losers for you (although I doubt it).

Regardless, try out the above foods if you like them and see if they help you lose weight too.

I lost over 70 pounds by finding effective diets and swapping between them for maximum weight loss.
For More Info Check this out