Weight Loss

If you are like me you are always looking for ways to lose weight that works.
You want to be able to eat the foods you want and also lose weight.
You have tried fad diets and have had no luck.
Where to now??
Here at this blog I will be gathering information about weight losst and placing content that will discuss how you can lose weight.
Each person is different. This is what makes us special so it would also follow that different diets suit different people. Take a look around I am sure you will also find something useful

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Drop that extra weight Now

Are you struggling of extra weight and can not drop extra kilograms? Have you tried all the diets and the latest exercise machines, only to gain more weight? Most people are not satisfied with this fact.

A lot of people are looking for quick fix. So many weight loss products boast that they have the easiest solution, the fastest methods and the miracle cure. The only way out is your proper diet and increased physical activity. Not many people try to teach others how to lose the extra weight this way because it is not what people want to hear.

First of all you need to find out how many calories you intake every day. Register the number of calories you eat in a normal day. Be sure to measure the correct portions, counting calories! Try to be as accurate as possible. Write down this number. Then multiply that number by 75% to 85%. Try to reduce the amount of calories you eat per day to this amount.

Another thing to consider is the number and quantity of meals. Eat 5 small meals throughout the day at intervals of approximately 2 hours. Eat more small amounts of food throughout the day and that will help to boost your metabolism. And be sure not sure not to have snacks in the middle! If you must eat ... choose something more nutritious, like banana, an apple or some other low-caloric, but filling food.

While you are reducing the amount of calories you eat, you can also learn some exercises to do every day to lose the extra weight faster. If you are just a beginner you may jog, swim, walk, ride a bike, or do some other easy exercises. The consistency in both diet and exercise is the key to losing weight. You can not do an enormous amount of work one day and expect to lose additional weight. You must have a persistent, constant, daily effort to lose those extra kilograms.

If you want to tone your body while losing that extra weight, you can try sit-ups, push-ups, crunches or even try squatting with weights and bench presses. There are several weightlifting exercises that you can do to tone your muscles. And abdominal crunches are good for the abs, as many want to tone that area of the body. If you decide to lift weights, do not be discouraged if you gain a few pounds at first - muscle weighs more than fat, but also burns more calories than fat! So learning how to lose the extra weight, you should know that weight lifting is only for those who are persistent in their training sessions - the weight loss will eventually come due to the calories burned by bigger muscles.

Just remember that the best way to lose weight is to include both exercise and proper diet.

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